Roberto Musso 是意大利同名设计师品牌,Roberto Musso 眼镜,坚持以匠心工艺追求纯粹品质,遵循重视美学审美,展现个性的同时,兼具佩戴舒适性的设计理念,打造全新男士商务时尚纯钛眼镜系列,重塑轻奢眼镜全新“魅力”。

ROBERTO MUSSO Brand IntroductionRoberto Musso is an Italian designer brand of the same name. Roberto Musso glasses adhere to the pursuit of pure quality through craftsmanship, adhere to the design concept of emphasizing aesthetic aesthetics, showcasing individuality, and also providing comfortable wearing. They create a new series of men’s business fashion pure titanium glasses, reshaping the new “charm” of light luxury glasses.

Roberto Musso 希望眼镜不仅是商务精英男士们的仪表体现,更是个人品味与生活态度的彰显,Roberto Musso 眼镜一直传达一种“人世繁华,只有经常向内探索,认识、重塑、提升自己,才能不断完善自身,展现自我的价值”。

Roberto Musso hopes that glasses are not only a reflection of the appearance of business elite men, but also a manifestation of personal taste and attitude towards life. Roberto Musso glasses have always conveyed a sense of “the world is bustling, and only by constantly exploring, understanding, reshaping, and improving oneself can we continuously improve ourselves and showcase our own value”.