
Wu Lin Global 无吝国际

Easy Access to China – 易径中国

Localization 本土化

Legal & Compliance 法务&合规

Taxation & Customs 税务&关务

Governmental Affairs 政务和社会

Brand Management 品牌管理

Branding & Marketing 品牌&市场

Sales & Distribution 销售&分销

Public Relationship 公关关系

Long-term Development 长期发展

Acquisition 收购

Co-Investment 共同投资

Joint Venture 合资

Supported By 受支持于

Mega We Care

Established in 1982, Mega Lifesciences public company limited is actively involved in helping millions of people have access to safe, effective, world-class quality nutritional & herbal supplements, and medications. Mega strives to help people stay healthy as long as they live.


111SKIN is a surgeon-founded, clinic-led luxury skincare brand with high-tech ingredients founded by Dr. Yannis Alexandrides. Despite initial skepticism from industry professionals, our team saw the incredible potential in the brand and set to work establishing a significant sales base through specialty stores on Taobao, WeChat, and other platforms. KOL-led channels such as iDS and RED platforms provided invaluable brand equity and awareness, transforming 111SKIN from an exciting new market entrant to an established challenger brand.

111SKIN是一家由外科医生创立、诊所主导的奢侈护肤品牌,由Yannis Alexandrides博士创立,采用高科技成分。尽管行业专业人士最初持怀疑态度,但我们的团队看到了该品牌令人难以置信的潜力,并开始通过淘宝、微信和其他平台上的专卖店建立重要的销售基础。通过以KOL为主导的渠道,如大眼睛和小红书平台,为品牌提供了宝贵的销售和知名度,将111SKIN从一个令人兴奋的新市场进入者转变为一个成熟的挑战者品牌。


Dr. Maryam Zamani is a global leading Aesthetic Doctor and Oculoplastic Surgeon with over 15 years of experience as one of the UK’s most respected surgeons. Dr. Zamani’s innate understanding of her clients’ skincare needs led her to create MZ Skin – a collection that utilizes scientifically-proven, high-caliber ingredients for unrivaled performance. We share Dr. Zamani’s passion for her products and have worked together to map out the ideal solution for bringing her brand to China. Our successful collaboration has resulted in impressive sales growth.

Maryam Zamani医生是全球领先的美容医生和眼整形外科医生,作为英国备受尊敬的外科医生之一,她拥有超过15年的经验。Zamani博士对客户护肤需求的天生理解使她创建了MZ Skin,这是一个利用科学证明的高质量成分实现无与伦比性能的系列。我们与Zamani博士一样对她的产品充满热情,并共同制定了将她的品牌带到中国的理想解决方案。我们的成功合作带来了令人印象深刻的销售增长。

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+86 185 1617 1133 | Monday – Friday

周一 至 周五

Offices 办公室

333 Su Hong Rd, Shanghai, China


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